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Easy to use Extractor and Designer

Transform your print output to produce documents that are tailored to your needs. Our easy-to-use FDI Designer software can help you design your documents, just the way you want them printed. FDI Designer comes coupled with our FDI Server software, giving you a powerful way to extract data to be added to your designed document. FDI Designer also comes with a built-in scripting system, allowing you to easily specify your business rules while populating the designed document with your data.

Document Production

Are you looking for an intelligent solution that can automatically collect information from the various documents you print and provide useful reports? Our Document Production engine can help you design your reports with the

information you want, so that they get printed monthly, weekly or daily, based on your preference. Our software provides complete control over your documents so that you can meaningfully transform your existing documents to produce new ones that fit your needs.